Published Thursday, April 27, 2006 by stiktoonz.
Here's a little piece from my book The Impractical Guide to Having Babies, I thought you might get some enjoyment out of. Remember there is a competition to win this book below. I've had loads of entries. It ends April the 1st, so get them in.
I did a book recently, based upon my experiences with the whole process of having a baby. I have three children, so the material came thick and fast. Most of it smelt nasty.
I thought it would be fun to have a caption competition using the artwork from the book. The prize being a signed copy of the book. Deadline for entries 1st April.
If you could email me your caption to stik@stik.biz I will notify you if you have won, then if you send me your details, I'll get it in the post to you.
The devil makes work for idle hands that have Photoshop and an ear for a silly pun....
Gosh, aren't people weird? I was asked to do a caricature of someone. So I told them the cost etc, which was fine. Anyhow I did it, she liked it. So I said I'd give her a nice glossy print of it. That's when things turned a bit chilly. She asked if she could have a "real" copy.
I said that I had drawn it in a computer... She went nuts. Apparently she works all day with computers, and "hates" them.
A bit strong I thought, I wasn't asking her to date a computer. So I politely told her that the Telegraph, The Big Breakfast...etc didn't seem to mind, and that my medium was just as valid as pen and ink. I think she thought the computer drew my work...
Then the other day, I asked my 50 year old brother, why he didn't have a computer... My goodness, you would have thought I'd have asked him to sleep with a corpse. He actually turned his back on me and trembled with rage. I thought his spine might explode from inner termoil... I think I'll send him some Tesco computer vouchers, stand back and see what happens. :o)
What's up with people? Ho-Hum.... I actually think I've tapped my keyboard so much that the DNA it's collected makes it more human than me.... Back to work I guess.